Thursday, April 4, 2013

Need to Feed Your Blog? 3 web traffic tactics to do today

These 3 remarkably simple organic traffic tactics are right under your nose & ready to boost your site traffic
The web analytics continue to prove it. My fav factoid around blogging for business:
Companies that have an effective blog for their business get 55% more organic traffic & 70% more 
leads with targeted website traffic than those that don't use a blog to drive traffic.

Yes, blogs can drive targeted traffic & paying customers. Please notice the word “can” in the previous sentence. 
And you probably know as well as I, running an effective blog that creates web traffic can be challenging. But let me suggest three great blog traffic tactics to help you generate ideas for effective blog posts. These are designed to attract consistent web traffic while providing ongoing blog promotion.

First set up a news feed - Yahoo or Google will do. Customize to topics around your organic traffic needs. This is a nice way to “news jack”  or leverage hot news for increased bog traffic by updating your blogroll with postings about how your business reacts and responds to these current, well publicized news events. Try it and watch your organic traffic and web analytics take off.

Second, pick up a trashy publication - like People, National Inquirer or Vogue.  Believe it or not, these can be great sources of punchy and provocative headlines that get noticed. And that’s important to make your blog postings pop, grab attention and drive traffic -- and to be honest, kinda fun to create.

Finally, look at your sent folder in your email - I promise you, in two minutes you’ll come across a bunch of highly relevant and effective blog topics that attract targeted website traffic. You know, all those requests and questions you have, which are probably based on customer needs. With a little tweaking you can harness these towards your most qualified web traffic.
Don't forget, blogging for business can also help drive referral web traffic because when blogs are set on outside pages they provide links into your site and long-term traffic generation.
So feed your blog some nice organic traffic or let me help with an effective blog strategy, targeted traffic research and blog writing services at

Thanks for reading!

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